I was wondering how many people have seen that incredible 1958 film: ’10 North Frederick’? Alright, it’s pretty standard melodrama fare but redeemed by some wonderful casting and some of the best acting ever seen in a film.
I won’t give any of the story away but the film comes into my memory quite often for certain amazing scenes. Gary Cooper (an actor I usually find somewhat cold) is terrific in his underplaying of a weak and rather pathetic character. His ambitious wife played by Geraldine Fitzgerald is cold hell let loose and yet this same Dublin actress could play soft and sensitive characters as well. What a breadth of talent. Diane Varsi who came to a small amount of fame in Peyton Place and later in Compulsion, is wonderful as the sweet innocent in love with a trumpet player. Her love making scene in a taxi with her boyfriend shocked me. Not only because it was 1958 but because of the sheer passion of their kissing. Like they both meant it! Most films today just shove two stars together and hope they gel - they very seldom do. But this kissing scene is amazing. I was shocked, not because it was overtly sexual, after all, this was the 50’s, but because they meant it!
Suzy Parker always looked wonderful but as Coops secret much younger lover she showed that she can act. But if I’m frank perhaps she is the weak link in this film. Ray Stricklyn as the son is also superb.
As I say, the story is rather ‘soapy’, but the acting… I seem to remember a scene on a staircase where Fitzgerald is tearing into her husband (Cooper) She is so cold and vengeful that you are shouting: ‘Lady M! Why did she not play that great part? Give Bette Davis a run for her money - you bet!
Spencer Tracey was originally cast in the Cooper part but withdrew being very concerned about Parker’s ability as an actress. She had just come from the modelling world and earning $1,000 a week - a very large sum for those days.
'10 North Frederick' is hard to find, but if you do come across it on TV at some ungodly hour or on some boring, rainy, Tuesday afternoon, record it, watch it and treasure it. I saw it about twenty years ago so the gloss of memory may be at work here and I would love to see it again. I’ve tried to find it. But no luck just yet.
Certain films affect me deeply and they are often, I would have to admit, not that good. Another haunting film is ‘Lillith’. I hope to blog about this at some point.